In the English version of amendment G-8, paragraph (a) changes the amending clause. The following is stated in subsection 53(1):
The portion of subsection 161(1) of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:
There is also the text we want to add to the Canada Elections Act.
In order to do the same in the French version, paragraph (a) states that the amending clause of the current bill is changing. It states the same thing as subsection 53(1), as follows: “The portion of subsection 161(1) of the French version of the Act before paragraph (a) is replaced by the following:”. There is also paragraph (b), since the text we want to insert in the French version is already partially there. So we only need to change the last line of that part. That is why changes are being made from line 40 of paragraph (b) on page 26 to line 3 on page 27 in order to insert the words “scrutin, s'inscrire en personne”, which is the last part in the English text.
As for the current English text, there is no French version, but it has to be included to point out that the French version has changed.
It is complicated, but I hope it makes sense.