Some of them, yes, would be. The bigger problem, I think, has been if it's a petition that's been directed not at central government but at a particular local authority, a council, for example, about a very localized matter, those would be rejected. The other issue, of course, is that in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland, in our devolved settlement now, a large amount of domestic policy has devolved to the Scottish Parliament, the National Assembly for Wales, and so on. If it was in their devolved responsibilities, they would also be rejected.
The problem in the petition system, though, is that there is no mechanism when the petition is rejected to inform the petitioner that they could go to Scotland or Wales, or their local council, and petition them. I think in terms of thinking about the process, signposting elsewhere is quite important. It isn't in the Westminister system at the moment, and that is a flaw.