I have a couple of quick questions, mostly to just follow up on some of the stuff you've already had a chance to address. I think you've made fairly clear your position on the idea of gifts and reporting and some of these receptions and things like that.
I want to get a sense, because, obviously, in your role as Speaker, in some of the delegations you've been part of and things like that, you may have received more gifts than a typical member of Parliament might. Obviously, there has been some discussion about the appropriate reporting level for those gifts. Currently, as you know, it is $500 and there's been some discussion about lowering that. You've cautioned against making that too low, simply because of the administrative burden doing that would likely put on both members and the administration.
I'm trying to get a sense, and I know it wasn't something that you had to think about often. You mentioned the one instance in which you didn't see something, and you were surprised that it was over that amount. What would you say would be the average value of a gift you might have received in that regard? Do you think that lowering the level to $200 or $250 would then create a higher burden?
Right now with the level at $500, as you say, it probably would be something that you wouldn't have to give as much thought to, because not a lot of gifts you would receive would be of that value. But if it were at $200, all of a sudden the administrative burden would change in terms of trying to determine the value of a gift, because many dinners can have a ticket price of that value, or if you're talking about a bottle of wine or a book or a painting, that dollar figure could be a little closer to what might be typical.
I'm trying to get a sense of the typical value of something you might have received and whether you think having the value at $200 rather than $500 would create a far bigger administrative burden or not make a lot of difference.