Thank you, Mr. Chair.
First of all, I'm very glad to have you here, and I'm glad the bells aren't ringing. Thank you for your persistence in coming back here, notwithstanding the impediments we have thrown in your way.
Mr. Lamoureux's questions caused us to drift a little bit away from the MP code of conduct and into the operations of the Board of Internal Economy, but it makes me think of something that is worth stating. In dealing with the Board of Internal Economy, there have been issues that have arisen that I've had to ask questions about. In fact, when you were Speaker, I remember sending a number of these questions through you. You passed them on. Also, in dealing with the commissioner and her interpretations of the MP code of conduct, the thing that is most beneficial is having nice clear lines and being told that you're either inside or outside the line. You may be close to the line, but you're either inside or outside, and that clarifies the matter.
Because as uncomfortable as it may be to have to pay back some expenses that you thought were okay, it is a great deal better to have that decided by a board and then to just get on with business than it is to have that decided as the result of a public embarrassment, which has the same financial result but a whole series of other problems, which as elected people we all understand. I just throw that out as an observation.
I want to ask you this question, though, relating to the problem of clear lines. I'm turning now to the conflict of interest code that is in the appendix to the Standing Orders. I think you're the only person in this room other than me who was actually in Parliament when this came into effect under the Chrétien government.
I have the sense that the drafters of this code made what amounts to a drafting error. That is to say, they took items that should have been in a sort of preamble, such as “whereas we want to seek the highest levels of conduct for members of Parliament, therefore the following apply”, and they included these sorts of preambular statements, which were grandiose and aspirational but also undefined, as operational parts of the code.
I'll give you an example from subsection 14(1):Neither a Member nor any member of a Member's family shall accept, directly or indirectly, any gift or other benefit, except compensation authorized by law, that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence the Member in the exercise of a duty or function of his or her office.
There's no definition of value, so any number—right down to zero, presumably—counts. Later on, under one of the subsections of this particular part of the code, we see that you have to disclose only if the gift is valued at $500 or more. You can see the obvious incompatibility of those parts.
I'm just wondering, because you oversaw the operation of this for some time, whether I am the only one to identify this. Or was this a problem you saw arising during your tenure as Speaker?