This is about the repository—it's always such a strange word to used in this conversation—a place to hold ads. That would be with the Chief Electoral Officer. It has to go to the Chief Electoral Officer within 10 days of transmission.
I don't think we have a clause in this—maybe later on—that allows for the length it needs to be held for, by law; I think there is one later on, but it's escaping me right now. Something about collating it is very important as well.
I think that LIB-25.... I'd have to refer to it exactly. Similar to what we just did, we're trying to get at a very similar purpose, which is to have a collection of the ads that have been used, partisan advertising that's been used, and have that maintained by the Chief Electoral Officer. It seems like a good spot to have it. You have to get it to them within 10 days.