I agree that's a significant concern. It's particularly offensive when you're in a seniors' home, and you've done some targeted revision and met them a week before. They come to vote, and they have to prove to you again who they are and where they reside, when you're right there in the lobby of the seniors' home.
We have recommendations. In the CEO's recommendations report, there are a number of recommendations to deal with it. One of them, of course, is the issue of using the VIC as proof of address, in combination with another document.
Another recommendation is to allow, in certain circumstances, one person to vouch for more than one person. We've seen in care facilities how a nurse is allowed to vouch, if she or he resides in the district, but for only one person and not for the others in the long-term care facility. There should be some flexibility in the legislation to deal with these very special circumstances, in which, really, there is no concern about the residence of these people.