I got the other point you made. That was a good point to make. I appreciate that. But it's helpful for us all, I think, to understand that the division is between $200 and $200.01.
I wanted to make an editorial comment, if I could. You're welcome to comment or not comment on my comment, but this is meant for the benefit of everybody else on the committee, and for the minister, if she's listening.
In its zeal to be all-inclusive, the government has dealt with the problem that actually was the problem we had here. Chinese billionaires are buying tickets to get access to the Prime Minister of the country. That was the issue: cash for access to people who have direct executive power. Those dinners are now covered by this legislation. So, too, are those dinners covered for opposition leaders who are contestants for the leadership of a party, both parties in and out of power. Had the law gone into effect a little earlier, Jagmeet Singh would have been covered, for example, and the other contestants for the NDP leadership, as well as people who are contestants for nominations.
I will just state the obvious. In the scenario I gave in which you are running for the nomination for one of the parties in the riding of Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston, an event you hold is now covered. The chances that a Chinese billionaire is going to buy a ticket seem unlikely. What I'm wondering about are where we're mostly likely to see non-compliance, where people are contestants for nominations, unless I've misunderstood something. Is this not likely going to result in a lot of technical non-compliance with a law where there's no actual problem in any meaningful sense? Are we not simply creating a large administrative burden for the agency and for people who are local volunteers, enthusiasts, partisan supporters, without the requisite expertise to always understand what the law requires of them?