Thank you. I'll mention that I'm going to talk to the industry committee about better rural Internet service when this is all done.
To build on the point, again, of what I was saying about the interpreters, I was caught up on that aspect there and some of the challenges. They're in the building already. Security is there.
I will make the comment constructively that over the course of the last month or so the Prime Minister has made announcements every day. That's important for Canadians. I'm not begrudging that on an in-person level. The ministers have followed up in West Block on a near-daily basis, giving Canadians information that they want to know in these challenging times. I respect that. Again, there's a role and a necessity for Canadians to hear the news from the government. Also, in that same building there's an opportunity for all of us, as members of the government or opposition, to ask questions and give the feedback on what we're hearing from constituents on a daily basis.
If a media conference can be done, that requires interpretation, that requires technical support, that requires security, that requires the cleaning process. If that is being done seven days a week without problem, in the West Block, I think with physical distancing, proper health and safety protocols, as have been done, it is not unreasonable to continue to have this ratio, this safe number of members who can have some presence. Most continue to work from home, like myself. The ministers are in Ottawa and likely not travelling back and forth. We can have some team members who are there and who are doing that.
I have the utmost respect for Dr. Raymond and public health officials and our House of Commons administration. At the end of the day, I want people to understand that when we have these conversations we are not advocating for 338 people to come back. The pages don't have to be there. Our staff don't have to be there. We can have these ratio numbers.
In closing, I would make the argument that if it's safe for ministers to do press conferences in the West Block at a ratio level, combining a physical presence and a technological virtual presence, surely to heavens, as parliamentarians, we can do the same as a fundamental part. We can balance those aspects of not having to travel back and forth into our ridings or doing that for extended periods of time. Where there's a will, there's a way to do it safely.
I've been very proud of the three in-person sessions. I wish that when we do get back to normal, the House of Commons and question period look more like the three that we've had during this time—constructive questions, sometimes tough questions and proposals. I think at the end of the day, because of that presence in the chamber, because of those questions and the ability for all members to share what they're hearing in their ridings, we're actually getting better government policy at the end of the day. We've seen changes under the business wage subsidy. We've seen changes in the CERB. That has benefited Canadians.
I want to wrap up my comments by saying more of a rant, and maybe giving Dr. Raymond and her House administration time to breathe themselves. I believe there is no member who is not acting in good faith, who is not wanting to have health and safety measures as they are when they come to Ottawa, to protect themselves while here within the West Block. I think there's a balance there.
I go back to what's being done with media conferences and some of the other features, what's already happening and the staff who are already there. We can do a form of that there safely. I wanted to make sure that this presence, and that perception of what Canadians think some of us may be advocating for, is in no way unsafe. The three sessions we've already had are perfect, excellent models of a safe and good way of doing it. They can be tweaked here and there, I'm sure, to make it even better.
Again, we can add some virtual aspects to make sure—