Thank you.
The clock says 8:31.
Ms. Normandin, Ms. Blaney, I really want to give you the time but they're telling me they need to clear the room.
Is it okay if we call this meeting to a close today?
Perhaps we can work something out for tomorrow's meeting. I know there won't be the same witnesses, of course, but...
That is the end of the meeting. There are a couple of housekeeping things to do. I'm going to flag them today because we don't have enough time and we can discuss them tomorrow if needed.
The next meeting is on April 30 and the first panel will be other parliaments or institutions. The second panel will be procedural, legal and constitutional witnesses.
I also want to remind everybody to start thinking about recommendations for the final report. We will only have about two meetings to discuss the draft report. As much as possible, could we start thinking about that or if there are going to be any dissenting reports?
But we can speak about that tomorrow.
Yes, Ms. Blaney.