Good morning, everyone. We're going to get started right on time, seeing as we have a lot to get through.
I call this meeting to order. Welcome to meeting number 16 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs. Pursuant to the order of reference of Tuesday, April 11, the committee is meeting to discuss the parliamentary duties in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since we have no witnesses, I'm not going to go through what's required under the motion. However, because we do have some subs who may not have done a virtual committee as of yet, I'll just mention some of the procedural rules that this committee will operate under and some reminders of how to keep the committee orderly.
The interpretation in the video conference is going to work very much like in a regular committee. You have the choice at the bottom of your screen of either floor, English or French. Please choose the language that you are speaking in, and if you do choose to change languages in the middle of speaking, then you have to switch the language preference down at the bottom. It just gives a better sound quality. When you're on “floor” you tend to hear the interpreter and the speaker at the same volume, and that's not ideal.
Before speaking, please wait until you are recognized by name. When you are ready to speak, you can click on the microphone icon to activate the mike. You can also hold down the space bar to activate the mike and when you are done speaking, you release the space bar to go back to mute. If there are any points of order during the meeting, unmute the mike and state that you have a point of order and I'll recognize you so that you can make your point. If anyone then wishes to speak to the point of order, you can do so by clicking on the participants list and you will see that there is a "Raise Hand" icon and you can click on that.
A few other reminders are to speak slowly and clearly for the interpreters. When you're not speaking, make sure your mike is on mute. As we have said many times, the use of a headset is strongly encouraged. If you don't have a headset provided by the House of Commons, then please see if your office or somewhere around you can provide a headset that has a mike.
We're going to turn our attention to the draft report. I should remind everybody that we did have this conversation last time. This committee meeting is not in camera; it's a public committee meeting, because the order that PROC was given by the House of Commons on April 11 requires all committee meetings that are virtual to be webcast to the public on ParlVU.
Today, remember that we have to finish the consideration of the draft report. This is to be submitted on May 15. Therefore, it would be ideal that we complete this report today. The clerk and I and all of the party whips have arranged for a contingency plan in case that does not happen. We will not be able to go past two o'clock today because there's another committee after us that needs the room and the support services, but we have arranged for a slot to be available for us tomorrow, Wednesday, from three o'clock until six o'clock, if we were to go overtime and not be able to adopt the entire report today.
Mr. Richards.