Thank you very much.
I will just rewind two sentences because they're very important.
I'm proud to have a feminist Prime Minister. I agree with all his remarks concerning women and equity. However, I feel the Deputy Prime Minister is the person in the best position to come and speak to us about the situation of women during the pandemic.
The amendment that Mr. Turnbull has proposed would be an opportunity for her to come and speak to us. I think it would also be highly appropriate for her to tell us about the $133 million earmarked for mental health services, substance abuse support and other programs.
She could also discuss authorization of the planned increase in extraordinary borrowings.
To date, however, the Conservatives have prevented the bills from being put to a vote.
Since we're considering inviting the Deputy Prime Minister, I'm going to quote her. In her letter to Mr. O'Toole, she wrote the following:
Partisanship is part of our democratic system. During the COVID-19 global pandemic, however, we have witnessed a rare unanimity in Canada's Parliament with respect to the emergency measures designed to support Canadians in need. As I am sure you will agree, that is how it should be.
I have decided to quote the remarks that the Deputy Prime Minister made in her letter to Mr. O'Toole because she could come and explain them to us if we allowed her to come and testify in committee. Then we could close the loop and move on to something else.
I couldn't agree more with the Deputy Prime Minister's words and impressions. They are absolutely valid, highly relevant and topical considering the amendment Mr. Turnbull has moved. My objective today is to underscore the importance of the Deputy Prime Minister's testimony in connection with Mr. Turnbull's amendment.
I know this political game is sometimes difficult for the opposition. The purpose of Mr. Turnbull's proposal is to amend a purely political motion that doesn't hold water. It's unprecedented.
We had an opportunity to reach a compromise until Mr. Blaikie said he didn't agree on the amendment.