Mr. Chair, as I mentioned in my opening remarks, the House is indeed currently studying a bill to modernize certain aspects of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, Bill C‑70.
It's interesting to look at things with a bit of hindsight. The act came into force in 1984, in the middle of the Cold War, following a commission of inquiry whose role was to review certain activities of the organization that had been responsible for national security at the time. To me, it looked like a rather defensive bill. Its purpose was to prevent certain lapses from recurring.
In my humble opinion, the circumstances that existed in 1984 no longer apply in 2024. The world has changed. Canada's image has changed and the threats we are facing have changed, not only in terms of complexity and the number of stakeholders responsible, but also the impact they have on the everyday lives of Canadians and Quebeckers.
The sharing of information amendments proposed in Bill C‑70, which is currently being studied by Parliament, are absolutely essential. Their purpose is to simplify part of our data system, and the way we obtain orders from the Federal Court, while maintaining judicial authorizations. I'm sure that these changes will have a very direct impact on Canadians.
As Minister LeBlanc said, it was a first step, and other efforts would be required in future to modernize the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act. Once again, when the time comes to protect Canadians against threats, it's important to know that the methods used by those who contrive them can change very quickly. We therefore have to make sure that we're not lagging behind these changes.