Yes, it's being impeded; that's absolutely correct. The reason the minister needs to come.... The minister was here at our last meeting and at the table because the commission is not getting all the documents it is requesting. Here we are again with “Oh, just let them finish.” They always do this. They stall and obstruct. They try to make it look innocent: “Oh, don't worry about it. We'll have them down later.” They always play these games. Canadians don't trust them.
It's another perfect example of what's happening right here. They are stalling and stalling. We had this meeting with the minister in June. Then what they did was that they quietly did an order in council and passed a few more documents on. They wouldn't even say how many documents there were.
However, at the end of the day, here's the part, Mr. Chair, that matters the most. Mr. Gerretsen just leaves out.... As for “let them finish their work,” we agree. Let them finish their work with all the documents they deserve, want and should have. Hearings are under way less than a kilometre away from this committee room—probably a few hundred feet away, if you're getting quite technical—as we speak. They still don't have....
It says it right in the article. They're going to quote journalists and what they're saying. I'm happy to do the same and make the same argument Mr. Gerretsen is making. We should have the minister here in two weeks because they should be finishing their work, and they should be finishing their work with everything they have.
It says right here:
The order does not specify how many additional documents will be released to the inquiry or how many redactions will be lifted.
It continues:
But four months after the publication of her report and even after the government's latest...release, Hogue is still pushing for more records.
In a statement, the PCO didn't even confirm all of this.
Again, supporting our argument to get the minister here immediately and with urgency, it says right from the same article in the National Post:
But national review agencies and observers are increasingly concerned that the government is constantly expanding its definition of what is a cabinet confidence to prevent the disclosure of certain information.
In interviews, two national security academics say the government's latest release order is very narrow and unlikely to provide all the information Hogue is seeking.
It says right in the same article:
What is being released now is “a very narrow window into a much broader range of intelligence reporting, and it's not the most important window either,”....
This is what they try to do. Kick the.... They say, “Oh, yes, we'll have the minister down at some point about Bill C-65 and the bill that's there, and we'll ask some general questions.” No. The minister needs to be here in the next two weeks, answering questions on this and getting this issue resolved. The integrity of the work that Justice Hogue is doing is on the line.
If, months after our last hearing in June in Parliament, it's still hanging over here not resolved and still not satisfied.... Here we have Mr. Turnbull and Mr. Gerretsen saying not to worry and to just let her do her work. We agree. Let her do her work by providing everything she deserves to have and needs to have, all the documents she deserves to have of what she deems reasonable to see and not what the government deems reasonable for her to see, to do a review of its very own actions—or, in many cases, inaction—when it comes to foreign interference.
Therefore, I appreciate Mr. Gerretsen's intervention. I hope he has more because every time he does, he makes the argument for why the minister should be here within two weeks.