Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'll build on what's been said about Mr. Cooper's motion and refute some of the brushing off—frankly, the obstruction—of having the minister come back to committee urgently, as the motion states, not when we get to Bill C-65 and get into rounds about the bill. It is asking the minister to appear within the next two weeks.
This meeting is actually continuing, as you mentioned at the beginning, a suspension of the last meeting we had in June, when the minister was here. The minister was brought here to discuss document production for the commission and the work that Justice Hogue is doing. This is timely, this is urgent and this is necessary, because the very conversation we had on that topic about.... Don't take my word or our word for it, but the justice's words and those of her team on the inquiry—and this is just from last week—“Discussions with the Government on document production remain ongoing”.
The last part of the hearing just started again. We're in the midst of this. We can't sit and wait for some theoretical “let's get a full calendar and the minister will appear at some point”.
No. The minister must come to this committee within the next two weeks. It is urgent, because on this issue specifically, among others that have been already raised, time is of the essence. There should be no reason, when we have this inquiry going on, when we have Justice Hogue and her team saying that the document production is still not resolved and the latest round of hearings is ongoing.... This is not acceptable, what the Liberals are trying to do: “Oh, we'll have the minister at some point down the road, and we can ask him all different types of questions about Bill C-65.” I will note that Canadians know what Bill C-65 is, and that is a deliberate attempt to move back the election date a week so NDP and Liberal MPs who are going to lose their seats in the election can guarantee to get their pension vested.
Millions of Canadians were disgusted at that attempt to again go and say that this was going to be some wonderful legislation supported by Canadians. They're disgusted at the games that the NDP and Liberals tried to play by putting that in there. They saw right through it. We'll get to that at some point this fall, I know.
However, again, for the motion that's at hand and Mr. Turnbull's innocence of “Oh well, you know, the minister might come down at that point, and we can ask some broad questions” Our motion has the minister appearing here within the next two weeks. It's necessary and again, it is timely, colleagues, and there should be no reason.... There's a major issue with the inquiry currently under way again this fall, the latest round of hearings. Justice Hogue does not have all the documents that they are requesting.
I support this motion. All colleagues should support this motion, so we can have the minister at the table to answer those questions. We asked in June. They said everything was fine, not to worry about it and that they gave everything they deemed to be necessary—in their own opinion, not in Justice Hogue's and the inquiry's work there. They deserve to have this. They deserve to have the minister here. We deserve to have the opportunity to ask questions and get to the bottom of this so that the integrity of what's happening in that work is maintained.
To have this large cloud hang over the work that's being done on this important topic, which is—to the Bloc, I agree—the vitality of our democracy, if the Liberal cabinet can hold back and make redactions of documents that Justice Hogue deems not appropriate, not right and not reasonable, and we have that overhang the work as it goes.... Let's have the minister here. Let's get to the bottom of this, and let's get full transparency in all of this.
With all the work over the course of the fall, the Minister of Public Safety being here to answer questions is reasonable and, I think, a very good start to answering the many questions he has to account for.