Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
Today I am testifying as an individual. However, I am prepared to answer questions as minister.
What I am about to say is very personal, and that is why I will speak in English.
I'm going to have to do this in two parts. I'll wait for the opportunity to say the second part.
I think there's a very important conversation that needs to take place, not just about hybrid but about politics and our business in general.
I don't know why I wanted to enter politics. Each of you will your own individual story. It started for me when I was six in a sandbox. It might have had to with my grandfather. My grandfather told me from a very young age that if you wanted to make a difference, you had to know somebody in politics. That's how you got things done. I know that he respected politicians a lot—this was my mom's dad—so I wanted to be somebody my grandfather respected.
Maybe as well it was the very poor relationship I had with my father. My dad was obsessed with becoming big, huge—whatever that meant—and I struggled to get his attention or feel that he saw me.
Maybe it was the fact that I struggled in a household where there was a lot of abuse, that the by-product of that was problems with a sense of worthiness, and that validation could come from seeking public office.
Maybe was part of it, but in the rubble of what I found there was purpose. I have to say that politics for me was a calling that I took extremely seriously. I threw myself into it with everything I had. I listened to my whip when I came in federally. I listened to my party. I went to every event I could go to. I tried to be the best member I could be.
In the process, I failed my family. In the process, I was not the father I should have been. I did not maintain my personal relationships in the way I should have. That's something that I can't take back. When I lost in 2011....
We're going through a very difficult time. When you pass people in the hallways, you see in their eyes the challenges of what they're facing. I see a lot of me, frankly, and how I was struggling in 2010 and 2011.
When I lost, because I had my thrown my entire universe into this enterprise at the expense of, unfortunately, a lot of other things that I should have taken better care of, I was in a really desperate spot. I was told that I was toxic. The Conservatives hated me. No organization would want to hire me. My marriage failed. As I mentioned, my space with my children was not in a good place. Most particularly, my career, my passion, the thing that I had believed so ardently in that was the purpose of my life, was in ashes at my feet.
I'm not proud to say that I made an attempt on my life at that moment in time. That was the genesis for me starting to see my life very, very differently and reframing the choices that I have in my life. I had to reflect in that moment on my own mom, through the course of the abuse that she faced, and her own attempt on her life, and the impact that had on me as a child.
Why do I say all of that? It's because it took a lot in that moment to I guess understand the parable of the spoon, to understand how I had to reframe what I did and to understand the mistakes I had made. I came back to attempt to do things differently, and as whip over a period of three years to see in staff and in MPs the suffering they held and the price they paid to try to serve and to fight for the cause that they believed in.
Look, I'm sure that Hitler worked very, very hard. I'm sure he woke up every morning and he went to every event, and I'm sure that he was in every place that his party told him to be, but at the end of the day, I do not think that our values should stem from that. I think we have to ask a fundamental question, which is when an employee shows up, if they have the opportunity to have their needs met, if they have a good relationship with their family, these people are going to be fundamentally more productive, more creative, more resilient and less corruptible. They'll be in a much better place to serve their community.
I'll finish on this, because you've been generous with your time, Madam Chair.
In Arnold's last speech—Arnold Chan was one of my best friends—he gave a speech about having more compassion for one another and seeing the burden that each of us is trying to carry, seeing that each of us is looking into the darkness of the unknown and attempting on behalf of the communities that we serve and the families that we come from to find answers and to lift people up. If we create a place where people who give more than they take, people who take more responsibility than they give blame, people who....
I'm finishing here. If we're going to create that place that people can come to, this place needs to be more human. It needs to be more compassionate. Hybrid isn't an answer, but I submit that it's a start.
Thank you, Madam Chair.