Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to come before you to share our experiences as they relate to the issue of replacement workers.
My name is Peter Massy. I'm vice-president of the Telecommunications Workers Union, representing employees and members at Telus. Beside me is Sid Shniad, the TWU's research director.
We have submitted a six-page brief in French and English. It provides some background to the labour dispute between our union and Telus. The document focuses on these main points: the labour relations environment at Telus; the difficulties faced by the union; the road to confrontation; the growing imbalance in the economy; and finally, the role that replacement workers played in this dispute.
We would like to expand on the last point in the time allotted to us today.
First, we take the position that employers should not be permitted to hire replacement workers. It is our view that the section of the code that allows the use of replacement workers undermines the purpose of the Labour Code, as set out in its preamble.
And what are those purposes? According to the preamble, the purpose of the code is to balance the interests of unions and employers, to promote constructive collective bargaining practices, to encourage the development of good industrial relations, and to ensure that the just share of the fruit of progress is enjoyed by all segments of society.
The fact that Telus was able to use replacement workers in the course of our dispute makes it impossible for those goals to be pursued. The use of replacement workers created an imbalance, destroyed the collective bargaining process, and made it impossible for the union and its members to enjoy a just and shared fruit of progress.
The problems created by allowing the use of replacement workers do not begin when picket signs go up. They do not begin at the moment the first replacement worker crosses a picket line in Canada or the first offshore replacement worker takes a first call. They begin when the employer, confident of his ability to use replacement workers to impose his version of the collective agreement on an unwilling union, tables a set of concessionary bargaining demands.
At that point, an employer in the federal arena, who has embarked on a program to strip away hard-won collective agreement rights, knows two things. First, the provisions of section 87.4 of the code compel the union to come to a maintenance of activities agreement, which spells out how union members will maintain emergency services during the dispute. That includes police, fire, ambulance, 911, coast guard, and a variety of other services. You have a copy of that agreement in our brief.
Second, if they decide to bargain to an impasse in order to impose their will on their employees, they will be able to use replacement workers to maintain their operation while they keep their employees on the picket line until they are forced, by financial concerns or potential collapse of their union, to accept a concessionary contract.
In January 2003, the TWU signed an agreement with Telus stipulating that our members would be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the labour dispute to repair telecommunications services for police, fire, ambulance, 911, hospitals, and the coast guard. By the end of 2003, the union had conclusive evidence that Telus was actively recruiting replacement workers, even though we were still in bargaining. This plus the fact that Telus was bargaining directly with our members led us to file a formal complaint with the Canada Industrial Relations Board about Telus' behaviour.
On January 19, 2004, the board issued a decision ordering Telus to offer the TWU binding arbitration as a way out of this impasse, but this decision was appealed by Telus, subsequently overturned in February 2005, and throughout that one-year period Telus continued to recruit replacement workers in Canada and offshore.
Bargaining recommenced March 2005, but the handwriting was already on the wall. Replacement workers in call centres in India and in the Philippines, as well as here in Canada, were ready. All that remained for Telus to do was to initiate a dispute.
The actual confrontation began July 21, when the union pulled its members off the job one day before Telus imposed the collective agreement it had spent five years trying to force the union to accept. The switches were thrown. Customer calls were diverted to replacement workers in India and in the Philippines.
On the ground in British Columbia and Alberta, our members were about to be subjected to an onslaught from employers of firms that specialized in strikebreakers. Their primary function was to escort the replacement workers across our picket lines, to continuously and aggressively videotape our members, and to gather or create evidence to be used for injunctions.
It was common for the employees of these firms to provoke confrontation on our picket line. Some of the replacement workers were transported through our picket lines in windowless vans. Others were escorted through our lines by the professional strikebreakers that Telus had hired. Some of the replacement workers were brought in from eastern Canada and the United States, and some of them had worked during the bitter disputes at Vidéotron, Aliant, and Entourage. They were provocative by their existence, and some went further, actively taunting our members.
In Alberta, replacement workers were encouraged to cross with offers of share options, generous per diems, gifts of iPods, and so on. Management was on the picket line actively encouraging employees to cross, and encouraging employees to recruit other replacement workers. Not surprisingly, the result was increased conflict, in some cases all-out chaos, and in all cases heightened levels of anxiety. In short, this was not an environment conducive to industrial harmony or the promotion of sound labour management relations.
This was a four-month labour dispute resulting in the termination of 49 employees, 70 employees charged with contempt, and 1,000 employees charged by the union for crossing picket lines. Canadian jobs, as well as the private, personal information of Canadian customers, were sent overseas, beyond the protection of Canadian privacy laws. Some of those replacement workers used by Telus during the dispute have returned as contractors.
At the end of the day, the union accepted a wage increase but lost significant job security protection, benefits to temporary employees, and workplace arrangements such as job sharing, which enabled employees to balance work and family commitments. The result runs counter to the purposes of the code and serves to undermine industrial relations in the workplace.
Finally, I would like to respond to the comments that since the publication of the Sims report there have not been problems, and that if it's not broke, don't fix it. There have been four major labour disputes that I know of, Videotron, Aliant, Entourage, and Telus, in which the employee came to the table demanding concession. In each of those disputes, the employer forced a confrontation and used replacement workers.
There is a problem: the system is broke, and you need to fix it by passing Bill C-257 before we have another dispute like the ones we have seen at Vidéotron, Aliant, Entourage, and Telus. We are not asking you to mend the labour relations between ourselves and Telus. That is our responsibility for the betterment of our members, the customers, and the company. But we are asking that you endorse Bill C-257, whose passage would be a significant message to our members.