Mr. Lessard, you'll have to address that tomorrow with our new witnesses.
We do want to thank all the witnesses, including the chambers from Winnipeg, from Hamilton, and from Charlottetown, whose representatives aren't here.
Mr. Bell and Mr. Secord, thank you for taking the time to be here. We really appreciate it.
We'd like to get into motions right now.
Mr. Martin, you have a motion before us that the chair present the following report to the House:
That the new Minister of Human Resources and Social Development re-examine and provide a comprehensive response to each recommendation of the First Report of the Committee entitled “Summer Career Placement Program” which concerned matters raised in the Tenth Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities in the First Session of the Thirty-Eighth Parliament entitled “Summer Career Placement Program”,
That the Government implement the Committee’s unanimous recommendations in time for the 2007 Summer Career Placement Program,
And that pursuant to Standing Order 109, the Committee request that the Government table a comprehensive response to the Report.
Is there any debate on this, or are we going to go right to a vote?
Ms. Yelich.