I'm not an expert, but I do know a little about this.
You're absolutely right. First of all, in regard to your point about high skills versus low skills, we actually have a national occupational system that puts the skills in four categories: A, B, C, D. You're absolutely right, A can be very high skilled, but D still has some level of skill, and you go down. And you're right, in the temporary foreign worker program for C and D you can only stay a maximum of 12 months.
We've done some pilot studies, particularly on truckers, about this, and we're trying to figure out whether it's right. I'm not saying everything at C is lower than everything at B. It's not a perfect system, and the skill requirements of jobs are constantly changing so we're constantly revisiting the classification to make sure it is right.
But I think the basic thrust would be, again, as Andrew was alluding to earlier, before we bring in a temporary foreign worker we ask ourselves if the employer advertised for the job. Clearly, the higher up you go, the harder it is going to be to find somebody who can do a job.
At the lower levels what we're doing is protecting the system a little bit, particularly if the economy changes. So we bring in Andrew from overseas, we give him some training, but in the meantime the economy may have changed and there may be people who can do that work. Part of what we're doing is saying, after 12 months, Andrew, you have to go back and the employer has to relook and see whether other people can do the job. We find that at the lower levels that's often the case, and there are people who can do the job.
Is the system perfect? Absolutely not, and particularly in Alberta right now with the unemployment rate so low, it makes it difficult. But again, it's something the system is trying to adapt to in terms of how fast the labour market is changing.