I have a couple of things that I want to throw out there as we consider the schedule.
We will have a working schedule prepared for when we get back from the break so we can look at what we're going to do.
I'm proposing right now that we look at travel dates. I just want you to mark this down. We don't need to have any discussion. I want you to look at it and consider what we have to decide collectively when we come back, just so we can prepare accordingly.
I'm suggesting that we travel for the first three days of the last week in April and that we possibly fly out west. This would be half the committee. We would fly out on the 26th, spend a day in Vancouver, a day in Calgary, and a day in Winnipeg, and then be done on the 29th for that leg of travel. These are suggestions based on witnesses we have. I know there was a lot that people wanted to do, but I'm going to throw this out for discussion after the break week.
The next thought was to perhaps travel out east, leave after caucus on May 6 and travel to Montreal, and then finish in Halifax on May 8.
The last suggestion for travel, if we are going to break this up into three parcels, is to leave again after caucus on May 27 and spend two days in Toronto, May 28 and 29.
I know people have requested other towns and places. We can travel according to what you think. I just want to throw this out there for you to look at your schedules and try to figure out how we're going to fit it all in. We might decide to add more days or to do different things.
That is what we're going to consider when we come back from the break. We're going to try to fit in different witnesses. We can have some discussion on whether we need to do more or do less, but we'll have to come up with consensus from the group as to what we plan on doing.
I know last time we spent two weeks. We went out one week and came back the following week, and it was a lot of work. So the suggestion was that we break it up a little bit. We're suggesting these as possible dates, as far as that goes.
Mr. Martin wanted us to participate during the break week in May. We need to have some discussion about that when we come back, because my question is, do you people want to give up your break week to travel? We have not scheduled anything yet, because it has to be approved by you. The conference takes place in Calgary during the break week in May.
I just throw these dates out to you to think about during the break week. We're going to have to come back and approve a schedule so that people can start doing these things. If anyone wants to change these things, we're going to need to decide that collectively and determine what we need to do.
The break week starts May 18, and Mr. Martin has suggested that we travel out there that week for the conference. We're just talking about those dates right now, as far as that goes.
I have to remind people that we talked about possibly having meetings on May 18. However, May 18 is a holiday Monday, so I think that would be a challenge for us. We may need to do something different.
I am going to take a couple of names. I don't want to spend a lot of time debating the schedule. I want you to think about it and come back after the break, and we'll look at what we're going to do and come to some consensus. But I certainly will take any points that need to be made at this point in time.
Tony, and then Mike.