I am not sure that I understood the question properly.
Someone said earlier that workers are finding it increasingly difficult to keep poverty at bay. Some individuals who used to have decent jobs no longer are able to make ends meet. The problem is less evident in Quebec than elsewhere in Canada, but even in Quebec, we now see more and more working people who have to rely on food banks despite being employed.
In this area, the federal government could, as part of its jurisdiction, intervene to help poor workers. I think that this would involve, in particular, an increase in the minimum wage set by the federal government. As Ms. Jetté said, this would set an example for the provinces. This would also result in an increase in employment insurance premiums, particularly the right for all to have access to employment insurance benefits. This would involve a range of measures.
I also agree with Ms. Jetté with respect to tax credits. We should increasingly be providing refundable tax credits, so that we do not deprive some individuals of various benefits, particularly in the area of public transit. That is not the only sector.