I assure you that I at least didn't come here this morning in a limousine.
There is that aspect, indeed. And Mr. Allison and Mr. Martin can probably corroborate that, I hope. In Calgary, last week, the Canadian Social Forum of the CCSD, the Canadian Council on Social Development, was very interesting in that respect, Mr. Lessard. A lot of people living in poverty or who had recently joined community groups were there. Obviously, financial support from private foundations enabled them to get there. A lot of questions were raised at the forum. Your colleagues were there. Direct, unfiltered questions were put directly to people. They were questions, comments and reactions. I found it one of the best conferences I have attended in a very long time.
Obviously, when people living in poverty speak at these kinds of forums, they are impressed, and can be a little intimidated, and so on, but real things are said.
I want to cite a brief example here because it concerns government services. One person said that, if he receives welfare benefits and has to speak to the government, he has to go and explain his situation to an official, who is behind a window with a little hole, and shout his problems very loud so that he can note them down. That person added that that's not how he wants to talk to the people who are going to help him. He said he didn't want to talk to someone on the other side of a window, where there are 25 people, and he didn't want to explain his situation in that manner.
It's like talking to your doctor from the waiting room. There are these kinds of abnormal situations that are not necessarily deliberate, but that are real. The message is clear: cohabitation, proximity, respect and dignity. These people offer these kinds of very concrete ideas. Then, how can we realign a system, an organization? I don't necessarily know. However, those people are able to deliver those messages.
I invite your committee to conduct a public exercise to enable these people to speak to you. Of course, they can be assisted by organizations such ours, the United Way, or other foundations to gain access to these kinds of forums and give their opinions. That will be like an additional message that our charities can pass on. That's the best answer I can give you.