Thank you.
I have a couple of questions that I want to ask, but Lynne's passionate plea a second ago encouraged me to put them together, because if we're going to do a number of things that are national in scope and big enough to make a difference, they're going to cost money.
We heard today a call for a national child care program. That would go a long way to alleviating poverty among women and children. We heard a plea for a significant increase in the national child benefit, which would go a long way to lifting children and their families out of poverty. We heard from Neil a plea for reform of the EI system, which we need to do. Mind you, that's money that's outside, or at least used to be outside, the taxation system. It was self-funding at one time, to a surplus of more than $54 billion.
I'm also suggesting, and this is a question that I'll put, but in the context of taxation and money and finances: what about a guaranteed annual income? What about a basic income for people? We just came from the north in the last couple of days, where we heard about the very deep and desperate and devastating poverty amongst aboriginal people in aboriginal communities. You're talking about aboriginal people in urban communities as a big problem as well and asking how we get the resources to turn that problem into an asset. Brendan talked a lot about how we can be creative in doing that.
But you're right, it all goes back to the question where we get the money. The CCPA put out a release in the last couple of days to say that actually the money is there, that it's just a question of ideology. We've had a number of years now during which we thought a good economy would lift all boats, and it hasn't. We turned over the building of housing, back in the late 1980s and early 1990s, to the private sector, thinking they would build the affordable housing, and they haven't. And so what do we do?
I guess the question is how we as politicians.... I raised this yesterday. It is a debate that we have to have, and we might as well start it now. How do we as politicians, knowing that our constituents want tax breaks...? That's what they say, if you call them up and ask what they would like. Mind you, as somebody yesterday said, it all depends on the question you ask them: tax breaks versus what—better health care? Tax breaks versus...?
I wonder whether you have any guidance for us in terms of that underlying, basic question. We go back to our constituents and we want to be re-elected. Martin Luther King used to say that there were three kinds of politicians: the ones who always do the right thing; the group that, if you give them the right argument, will do the right thing; and then the third group, usually the largest group, walking around with their fingers in the air wondering which way the wind is blowing, determining whether they'll be re-elected or not.
We go back to our constituents in an election and say we're going to give them a tax break. They say, great; we're voting for you. If we go back to our constituents and say we're going to raise their taxes, they look around for the person who's going to tell them they're not going to do that. Then they watch you like a hawk once you get in, if you in fact break that promise and look at circumstances, realizing that you need more revenue, and do whatever it takes.
The question is, politically—and I guess this is our dilemma if we're going to put in place a comprehensive anti-poverty strategy that has these really good things in it that are going to cost money—how do we do it? I certainly have some thoughts on it, but I want to hear yours.