First of all, let me begin by thanking the committee for the opportunity to be here today. I want to begin by telling you a bit about our organization, and then you'll understand the nature of my presentation. I must say I'm somewhat embarrassed that I didn't have time to prepare a brief, but I do have speaking notes that I'll use for my own benefit. I would be quite embarrassed to share them with you because they are rather sketchy.
The Community Unemployed Help Centre is a Winnipeg-based non-profit organization that was established in 1980 to assist unemployed workers with matters on what was then unemployment and is now employment insurance. Essentially, we provide information, advice, and representation to unemployed workers. In particular, we represent workers who have been denied EI benefits for various reasons. We do test case litigation and public education around EI.
When I looked at the responsibility of this committee in terms of its study on federal contributions to reducing poverty and putting that in the context of a seven-minute presentation, I decided to focus on what I know best. So I will talk only about EI and leave it to my other learned friends to talk about whatever they choose to talk about.
Because we've been operating since 1980, our organization certainly has considerable expertise in the area of EI. We have watched, tracked, monitored, and followed, criticized, and applauded--on occasion--changes to the unemployment insurance program in Canada. If I switch back and forth between the two terms, it's that some of us still prefer the term “UI”, so I hope you'll understand.
I want to talk about our clients. We've been fortunate in Canada, until the past year, that unemployment was relatively low throughout the 1990s, so our client base shifts to some extent. When we've gone through periods of high unemployment in the past, particularly a period about 10 or 15 years ago, our clients represented the broad cross-section of workers from blue collar, to white collar, to people in poverty, to those who were in management positions, as a result of restructuring and layoffs and so on. But now, with relatively low unemployment in Manitoba, our client base is largely represented by people in poverty, particularly aboriginal people, new and recent immigrants, and marginal workers who have irregular labour force attachments.
We've seen the UI policy throughout the 1980s and 1990s, and there's been a general theme. With some exceptions, I will acknowledge, throughout that period of time, beginning with Bill C-21 in 1989, the general trend has been to require workers to work longer to qualify for benefits, benefit duration periods have been shortened, and penalties have been increased for workers who are fired or quit or made false or misleading statements.
The impact on low-income people of the reform of EI was that low-income people to a large extent now fail to qualify, and those who do qualify find their benefits run out much sooner. The benefit rate is lower as well. Many years ago, some people might remember, the benefit rate was actually 66 2/3% of average weekly insurable earnings over the past 20 weeks. Now the benefit rate is 55%, and because of the way the benefits are calculated, they don't take into consideration the worker's best weeks of work, but rather, the earnings in the last 26 weeks. I'm sure some of you will know the formula. It has the effect of reducing benefits below 55% for many workers, and that remains a concern. Particularly now, with the economic situation where many workers have their hours cut before they become unemployed, it has the effect of reducing their benefits even further.
At the Community Unemployed Help Centre we have taken on some important landmark cases over the years. In particular, I will draw your attention to the case of Kelly Lesiuq, a woman working part-time. Because she was working part-time she failed to accumulate enough hours to qualify. This represents one of the fundamental flaws of the program. This program is very much biased towards workers who have a long-term attachment to the labour force and have more regular patterns of work. It really has the effect of differentiating between men and women, because women are disproportionately represented in part-time work. That was, in short, the basis of the Lesiuq case.
We currently have a case where one of our clients, a woman, is a person with Down's syndrome. The case is currently before the courts. They're moving its way through the courts. Again, because of her mental or physical disability, she is unable to accumulate sufficient hours of work. This is a heroic woman with Down's syndrome--I'm trying to provide you with some real stories--who is doing the best she can to work and she is working part-time. Because of her disability, it is impossible for her to accumulate sufficient hours to qualify for benefits.
There has been a growing body of evidence accumulated, beginning in the 1930s but certainly over the last 30 years, that talks about the impact of unemployment. There was a recent report done by the Ontario Institute for Health & Work that, again, reaffirms some of the work that's been done in the past. It's easy to dismiss unemployment as being a temporary condition from which people will recover, but many people don't. The impact of unemployment has a devastating impact on one's mental and physical well-being.
Let me very briefly commend Parliament, certainly, on some of the recent measures that have been passed and introduced, particularly the extension of the duration of benefits, although it must be noted that it's a temporary measure. We certainly support those measures and we certainly support legislation to increase the EI benefit to change the way in which benefit rates are calculated. Both measures will assist those living in poverty or who have different labour force attachments. We'd also call for changes in the way the qualifying period is currently structured to go only to 52 weeks, because it fails to recognize women, in particular, who may have been removed from the labour force for a period of time. We would welcome a study and a commitment on the part of this committee or Parliament to look at workers who have irregular attachments in the labour force.
In closing, it's important. CUHC sees every day, and again, from our personal experience, we see every day the impact of unemployment on people's mental and physical well-being. We see this every day in the faces of our clients, particularly those who live in poverty, who fail to qualify or who see their benefits run out. We would call for easing of entrance requirements and also for restructuring the program in a way that is responsive to workers who have unstable or irregular labour force attachment patterns.
Thank you.