I have two or three comments.
First, the source is “Youth Leaving Care: How Do They Fare?”, September 2005. It's available at www.childhelp.org. You can go through some of my figures. I'll provide that to the committee clerk.
Second, as the Johnston panel did its work, we dug into this issue, Mr. Martin. And we came to the conclusion, particularly in Ontario, that the population we were talking about was so high-risk, was so important to general poverty issues, and was accounting for such a large piece of incarceration and homelessness that if we could tackle it one child at a time, we could make a huge difference.
When we looked to the field, we saw some programs that were really eye-opening. The one I'll highlight for you is Wendy's Wonderful Kids out of the Dave Thomas Foundation. We support that through the Children's Aid Foundation. If you look at their numbers, they do adoptions at between $20,000 and $25,000 a kid. What they do is hire workers and do adoptions. So some of us in the philanthropic community have come to the conclusion that it's a no-brainer to raise money for that. Forget about government doing it. We're now supporting seven workers and just doing it, because you can take kids that are costing $40,000 a year in the system and find them permanent homes at $25,000 a year.
The economics of this are staggering. The money is in the wrong place. We're paying $100,000 a year for some of these kids, keeping them in the proverbial hotel rooms. And we could put the money in a different place.