Madam Chair, we are putting the cart before the horse, in a way. I think the first step is to pass my motion. As you said, it disposes of the motion passed on November 2 in a different manner.
If we believe there is a need to append other reports to our own, we can assess that at the end. For the time being, it's important, in order for our writers to have clear instructions, that we not incorporate these other reports into our own. In order to make that happen, the motion passed on November 2 must be rescinded.
Once that has been done, we can go back to dealing with the work associated with drafting the report, without incorporating the other reports. At the end, once we have evaluated our work as a whole, as well as our conclusions, we can determine whether or not it would be relevant to append the other reports.
It is possible that we may decide to support that idea, but we can determine the relevance of doing that when the time comes. For now, the important thing is to pass my motion. That will give very clear instructions to our writers and will not compromise our ability to append the other reports, if we feel it is necessary subsequently.