I have two points of order.
One is that the amendment is out of order and that we'd like a ruling, and we may have to appeal the ruling.
Two, the other aspect of this that gives me grave concern is that the instruction to this committee by the House was that this matter be referred to this committee “for the purpose of reconsidering Clauses 3 and 4, or to add new clauses, with the view of clarifying” not the role of Quebec, but clarifying “the role of provinces,”—in the plural—“specifically Quebec, within the jurisdiction of the Bill.”
Any amendment, in my view, would have to clarify the role of the provinces, specifically including Quebec, with respect to the bill itself. It didn't say “province, specifically Quebec”, it said “provinces”. This amendment has no mention of provinces. It deals only with Quebec.
So for two reasons—number one is that any amendment has to be in line with what has been referred to this committee—I think the Standing Orders and practice and procedure are quite clear, that the committee only has jurisdiction to deal with amendments that are part of the order of reference back to this committee. It gave specific instructions to reconsider this for specific purposes.
So nowhere in the amendment is there an allusion to “provinces”. I think for that purpose it's out of order.
Secondly, it is my firm view that “opt out” means you can or cannot do something, or may or may not do something. Rewording this so that you can say Quebec “may” obviously means it may or may not, which is exactly the essence of the opt-out provision.
Thirdly, this is not part of the money consideration at all. If we look at the history of this bill—and I've been present for the history when the previous chair, I think Mr. Dean Allison was here—there were various amendments tried. Various amendments have been tried—I know Ms. Megan Leslie moved an amendment to the clause—essentially to this effect. I can read it specifically, if you like. Also, Monsieur Lessard had previously moved an amendment that was not dissimilar to the amendment that was ruled objectionable.
And there's a principle that you can't do indirectly what you can't do directly. What the committee has been trying to do on at least three occasions now is to do that which is outside the scope of the bill. The scope of the bill is a national housing strategy, and it doesn't allow for people to come in or come out at their whim or their option.
So I think that point of order should be settled on two accounts: one, the word “may”; and two, the specific instruction that made reference to “provinces”.