We'll go back to the main motion.
(Motion agreed to) [See Minutes of Proceedings]
You're not totally happy, but some accommodation was made, and that's good.
The other thing we should say, and the clerk was just sharing with me, is that witnesses are asked to bring their briefs with them and circulate them to the parties, etc., so that's somewhat helpful.
Moving to document distribution, that is pretty much straightforward. All documents, including motions, must be in both official languages and witnesses shall be advised of this requirement. And we must ensure they are, because many times they come in and they don't know or they forget, so it would be a good thing to double-remind them.
This is moved by Brad.
(Motion agreed to) [See Minutes of Proceedings]
Moving to working meals, we have a committee that sits from 4:30 to 5:30. I'm not sure what that means, but it says:
That the committee hereby authorize the clerk of the committee, in consultation with the chair, to make the necessary arrangements to provide for working meals, as may be required, and that the cost of these meals be charged to the committee budget.
Brad moves that.
(Motion agreed to)
Travel, accommodation, and living expenses of witnesses:
That, if requested, reasonable travel, accommodation, and living expenses be reimbursed to witnesses, not exceeding two representatives per organization; and that, in exceptional circumstances, payment for more representatives be made at the discretion of the chair.
One is probably sufficient. Two is maybe....
You don't like the discretion of the chair, Rodger, or what?