I don't really have an answer, but I do have a stepping stone.
I don't know what the curriculum is across the nation, but in the city of Ottawa, it was mandatory for me to take civics and careers in grade 10. It is mandatory for each section. You have to take x number of sciences, x number of maths through high school. Two trades should be mandatory. Trades need to be reintroduced into high school. Trades are gone.
You're of course going to get teenagers complaining, but that's not a foreign concept.
As you said, I was fortunate enough to grow up around a family of farmers and sheet metal workers and stuff, so although I never went on a job site, I was encouraged to do things for myself. I was told, “Well, I'm not going to hammer up your photo; you're going to go hammer up your photo in your room”, so I held a hammer.
I knew what I was doing, but my friends have no clue, and that is the first step: reintroduce trades and make them mandatory in high school, to a certain extent—just basic carpentry or something.