I agree. I'm not aware of any particular incentives that currently exist allowing employers to do that kind of refit. It would be really key to have a communications strategy that shows, as you did, what the benefits are of having people with disability on staff. There really are some key benefits. It's hard to collect some of the data about this, but we think there is less absenteeism, and there are the social benefits within the workplace of having a positive work environment, which then has economic benefits down the road. Those are part of the incentive structure.
We'd like to be able to collect some better information about this so that we can present it to you.
On the transportation piece, we're probably better versed about it here in Ottawa than elsewhere in the country. One of the barriers we face frequently is that in order to have access to Para Transpo, which is the service available here in Ottawa, you have to provide proof of physical disability. Mental disability or intellectual disability is not considered sufficient.
For example, we have a gentleman who needs to go to his workplace every day and is having real difficulty getting there, because he's a selective mute. He often will be left behind by the buses. We've tried to have access to Para Transpo and have been denied because he's fully able-bodied. That's a struggle that we're continuing to have. There is a conversation happening about this, but at the moment, it still remains a barrier.