Thank you very much.
I have to shut it down there.
I want to take the last two minutes to go through some housekeeping very quickly, so just bear with me.
For the record, for this committee, we've had to make some significant adjustments due to travel and some cancellations. Thursday, February 23 is going to be potentially committee business, for us to go through some stuff. March 7 is set up right now for the witnesses from Kuujjuaq, whom we didn't get to see, with regard to the poverty reduction strategies. We could not make it work within the budget to get back there, unfortunately.
We do have an opening on March 9, and Friday, March 10 we are going to be travelling to Toronto to make up the cancellation. We are going to get back to Toronto on March 10 with witnesses and site visits, again, for the poverty reduction strategy.
Thank you very much, everybody.
Monsieur Robillard, do you have a question?