As for food security, in accordance with our mandate as a working group, we have identified issues. Clearly one of them right now is the lack of access to country food. It's an issue because we know this is healthy food for our communities. So we're looking at all the strategies to improve access. We know there are differences between our communities in their access to country food. There are different ways of sharing country food that have been put in place, like community freezers in the north. We need to fill up those freezers. We know that the impact of the different changes that have occurred has made it difficult to access some foods. For example, caribou right now in our region has gone down. These are all issues we're looking at.
Another issue is access to healthy food and our over-reliance on processed food. So we're looking at how to improve access to nutrition, healthy food, and decrease our dependence on processed food. That's another issue we're looking at. The third and fourth issues are looking specifically at some populations like elders and youth, who we feel would benefit from more targeted interventions to improve their access to food.
We have programs right now like breakfast in schools, and we want to expand that program to all children in all our schools and communities so they can have breakfast provided at school. We have right now strategies to increase healthy snacks in the schools because we know a full belly learns better than an empty belly. That's one of the strategies. We have community collective kitchens and other programs like this so that people can develop their collective kitchens to improve access to prepared food, using country food and delivery to people who are in need. These are the types of strategies we're looking at. These are the gaps we want to look at in the next two years. We hope to have a report in the next two years containing our strategies and the recommendations we want to make.