You know that mental health is an area that is extremely important to me. I'm happy that you've raised the question.
COVID-19 has absolutely taken a toll—emotional, psychological and social—on all Canadians. With respect to the mental health piece, when I convened the meeting with labour and industry, concern was expressed with respect to the mental health obstacles and challenges that workers were facing.
On behalf of the government, the Minister of Health introduced the Wellness Together Canada website, which is a good website because through that portal you can do everything, from reaching out and getting an assessment right up to talking to someone. I think that investment was really important and one that I know all Canadians, including workers, can access.
MHCC has put out numbers showing that 500,000 employees each week are unable to work because of mental health challenges, illness or issues. They say the cost to the economy is $6 billion a year. That's what they are saying. I'm happy to see that mental health as part of occupational health and safety is something that is included in my mandate letter. I look forward to moving forward with this particular mandate item because I think that mental health is absolutely a part of overall health. We have to ensure that workers are getting the mental health supports they need.
This is another thing that is a smart investment. In fact, 10 of Canada's largest companies have reported that for every dollar they have spent on mental health, in return they've received $1.62. That is an example of a worthwhile investment, an important investment, a much-needed investment, and at the end of the day employers will gain and benefit if their employees have the mental health supports they need.