Thank you, Mr. Chair.
The labour movement has been telling us for years that replacement workers are bad, a distraction, and prolong labour disputes. We've listened, and now we're going to ban replacement workers.
I have spent a lot of time around the bargaining table over the last couple of years. It is hard work. It gets tense at times. It can be downright messy—and it works. It works. The federal mediation and conciliation service has resolved 96% of labour disputes within the last year. Four per cent of the time, I'm often seen in the media repeating the same message I always do, which is do the work and focus on the table, where the best deals are made—fair, lasting deals that benefit both the employers and the workers.
Sara Nelson, international president of the Association of Flight Attendants, said it very well:
Collective bargaining is problem-solving. Companies that have to participate in that usually have a better outcome, because they’ve had to think through things with labour at the table. And you take two groups that, you know, want dramatically different things, but in collective bargaining, they have to come together and there has to be problem-solving. And if we had that kind of thinking more...think about how different our politics would be.
Replacement workers distract from all of that. They prolong disputes and they poison labour relations for years after. With Bill C-58, we will ban the use of replacement workers in federally regulated workplaces during a strike or a lockout. That means no new contractors and no members of the bargaining unit crossing the picket line. The penalty for violating the ban will be up to $100,000 a day.
Of course, employers could use replacement workers if the health or safety of people or the protection of property or the environment were ever at risk. Bill C-58 is about stability, long-term stability, with strong labour relations that are forged through free and fair collective bargaining—free “and” fair. Right now, one side of the bargaining table is carrying a lot of the risk. You go too far in a negotiation and they lose. Their labour, their bargaining power—that can be replaced. With Bill C-58, both the union and the employer carry the risk. Both are motivated to stay at the table. That is what we want.
Look at the Port of Quebec, where workers have been locked out for 18 months. That's 18 months. Replacement workers have been brought in to do their job for 18 months. What kind of long-term solution is that? What kind of toxic relationship will that employer and that union have to repair for years to come? Collective bargaining is hard work, but right now, one side has a way out. As we say, the best way to settle disputes is at the negotiating table. I am not a believer in shortcuts.
Now, I have been asked what separates this bill from previous private members' bills. Let me just say that it is a liberal bill in the truest sense of the word. It is developed through tripartism to make sure we get the balance right.
We have something called the “maintenance of activities process”. That is an agreement for how employers and unions agree on what work will continue during a strike or lockout. It's a truce. It's a truce that remains intact even in the midst of a dispute. Right now that isn't required, and the system can be gamed.
Both employers and workers asked for improvements to this process during our consultations last year. When Bill C-58 passes, the employer and the union will be required by law to get together and determine what work needs to continue during a strike or a lockout, if any. We are setting clear timelines on this of 15 days for the parties to come to an agreement. If they cannot come to an agreement, the matter will be referred to the Canada Industrial Relations Board to resolve within 90 days. This is something that both unions and employers asked for. It means more certainty and more predictability in collective bargaining.
We believe in a free and fair collective bargaining process. We believe stability and certainty in our supply chains and services are essential. We believe these are not mutually exclusive concerns. They reinforce each other. This is important. Canada is a reliable trading partner to the world, but that credibility depends on the sustainable operation of our supply chains. It depends on strong, productive labour relations, and on parties staying at the table and reaching a deal.
Thank you. I'm happy to take your questions.