Thank you very much.
I would revise your numbers on undocumented foreign workers. I think there are probably closer to 500,000 than 250,000.
This is for Mr. Harvey, so he understands.
The problem with the temporary foreign workers, the nannies, and certainly with the undocumented workers is that they totally have no power and they can be abused because they have no power. They can be removed from the country at any particular time.
Unfortunately, we've been dealing with this thing now for.... I've been on this committee for 10 years. Actually, my party, at that time, tried to get me off it, but I wouldn't be moved. But the stories are so much the same. Fundamentally, we have to have immigration policy that lands people, and if they're not landed, it's because their choice is not to be landed.
You take somebody who is good in high-tech, or his or her skills are in real demand. That person has mobility. That person has his or her own power. But to all of a sudden have people who are disposable, it reminds me of what was done way back when the Chinese were brought in to build the railway. We cannot go down this road. I think that is what is so dangerous with this new policy, that we're depending more and more on temporary foreign workers.
Unless you cut me off because I happen to be a Liberal...check the record; I've been fighting for this kind of stuff for a long time, notwithstanding what the powers that be in the party might have to say.
That is the biggest issue we have, and it's so shortsighted. You've all heard of Frank Stronach, of Magna. He would not get into the country today under today's point system. Neither would Frank Hasenfratz, who is the chair of Linamar; and neither would Mike Lazaridis, who invented this BlackBerry.
We have to give our heads a shake and ask, do we want a kind of society where we have people in without their families, with all the stresses that causes, or do we want to build a country that is going to need people at the low end of the job scale as well, just as we need them at the high end? That's the biggest problem I have, when we use people, labour from other countries, and we look upon them as discardable goods. That builds a bad kind of society. There are enough examples when you look around the world of what it does, and that's the kind of society you have.
I just throw that out for a comment.