Thank you for the question. Largely, because we have such a generous system--we approved last year, for instance, a little over 51% of the claims that were finalized. Other countries average about 15%. No one comes close to our numbers.
I'd like to get back to the question Mr. Rico-Martinez was asked: Who decides these cases? Who are the members of the board? The point has been made that they should be completely independent of government policy. The fact is, other countries use professional civil servants who are specially trained in immigration law and human rights to make the initial decisions. Then you get more consistency. And then you have a good review system, with an appeal. So these things go together. But right now, we have a system where anyone from any country can make a claim.
The system where we had two board members ruling on a claim actually slanted the playing field in favour of the claimant, because if only one approved, that was enough. If the other disapproved of the claim, the claim went through. Then there was another aspect that if a claim was refused, there had to be a report written; it didn't have to be written if it was approved, only if it was rejected. As a result, the playing field was heavily slanted in favour of the claimant. Now it's not. Therefore, I think there's ample evidence that many of the people who we do approve, compared with what other countries approve, do not have a good case. If you have a good case, you're going to make your claim overseas. We take more than 10,000 people a year from overseas. That's where we should be getting most of our people, not those who are making claims in Canada. Some may be genuine, but by international standards most are not.
If we were being balanced and fair and humanitarian, we would give more money to help refugees in camps. We give about $3 or $4 a year to each of the 10 million or so refugees in camps. We spend $10,000 a year on claimants here, who by international standards are mostly not real refugees. I think our system is badly out of whack. There's a whole industry formed around processing people who make claims in Canada. There's no industry formed around helping immigrants in camps overseas, or helping select those. We have some commitment to helping those who are overseas, but that's where we should be putting our money and our efforts, selecting people overseas, helping people in camps.
We should adopt international standards on safe third countries and safe countries of origin, like other countries do. The numbers making claims would be much lower. We could process their claims more fairly, I think with public servants, which was what was recommended in the government-commissioned “Immigration Legislative Review”, and then we should have a good appeal system that could include something like the IRB. But you must clean up the present mess first or you'll simply make things worse.