Thank you.
First of all, I want to thank the committee for the invitation to speak to you.
I'm the director of the Refugee Forum at the University of Ottawa, and in the past several years we've conducted a great deal of research, not only on the Canadian refugee system but also on other asylum systems, particularly in the other industrialized countries, and I'd be glad to respond to any questions you have in that regard.
I do want to say that I will be speaking not only as an academic but as a former refugee lawyer myself, as a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board, and as a former chairperson of the board. I'll try to bring all of those very different perspectives to my comments and my responses to your questions.
On this notion of having a system that's balanced, that is fast and fair, every asylum system in the world talks about being fast and fair. They are both code words. “Fast” also means effective; it also means efficient. It does not just mean rapid decision-making.
Similarly, “fair” doesn't simply mean fair procedure. It also means that the decisions accurately reflect the law and the facts of particular cases. It also means that they are well-reasoned decisions with good country information and competent decision-makers.
Often the notion is that “fast” and “fair” are contradictory. My view is that it does not always have to be the case. A wonderful example is when you have well-trained and good decision-makers, not only do you get decisions that are more fair, you get decisions that are faster and more efficient, and you don't overburden your appeal system in the same way. So efficiencies can be gleaned through fair and well-framed decisions.
I do want to note that as a committee you do have a serious challenge, because this is framework legislation. Much of the important information and details are contained either in the regulations, in the Immigration and Refugee Board rules, or even in the hiring policy of the IRB. That simply presents you with a challenge, because you're considering a bill when several pieces of the puzzle you have not yet seen.
I'm going to refer to only three portions of the bill. I will say in the beginning that I publicly supported the bill when it was first introduced. That was a qualified support, but it was a genuine one. It was a very good first step, but it is my view that it would be a disastrous last step, and that it is necessary to introduce some amendments to the bill. I'm going to mention four to you.
The first one is there is simply not enough time at the front end of the system in regard to both the eight-day triage interview at the board and the 60-day setting for the first hearing. Practically speaking, at the triage interview most claimants will not be represented. It's not going to happen. It's not possible to have legally aided lawyers there. Triage lawyers are not going to be getting all of the story; they'll only get some of the story.
With regard to counsel, they're not really going to have enough time to prepare a case, prepare the necessary evidence if it's a 60-day hearing. In the worst-case scenario, the short timelines will drive refugees into the arms of unscrupulous consultants who are closer to the ethnic communities and quite frankly don't need preparation time because they don't do anything other than show up.
That wasn't a flippant comment, by the way. Unfortunately, it happens far too often.
My suggestion is the minister and the IRB should clearly commit to longer timeframes. I suggest 30 days before the interview and an additional 90 days to schedule the hearing. That would be a total of 120 days.
The second issue I'll refer to is the hiring authority for public service decision-makers. It should be specified in the bill. The single most important component in the entire refugee system is the competence and the ability of that first-level decision-maker. If they get it wrong, then you're going to overburden the appeal division, and you're either going to have inefficiencies because too many cases will come back, which is exactly what happens in the United Kingdom right now, or you're going to have unfair decisions being passed on.
In any event, with regard to that, I suggest that those provisions be put in the bill. If you want, I can give you examples where it stipulates that the chairperson is the person to control the hiring authority. If that's not in the bill, then in actuality it's the Public Service Commission that can appoint the chairperson or several other officials. There's no reason not to have that in the bill.
I can also provide you with one statutory example where the bill also specifies that it be an open hiring process. There are very good reasons it should be an open process. If you ask me, I can give you those examples.
The third issue I'm going to raise is our famous safe country of origin list, our SCO list. If you decide to eliminate the list, then that's fine. But if you decide you want to preserve the SCO list, it's very important that it have some legal rigour to it, in particular clear criteria for assessing the SCO and an advisory committee to recommend to the minister potential countries. It is very important to have external human rights experts on that committee to ensure it is going to be objective. A sunset clause for the designation would help. Also, including the word “fair” in the legislation itself would not hurt.
Fourth, as you know, right now there is a complete separation in the act between the humanitarian and compassionate applications and the refugee claim. It's split right down the middle. I think there needs to be some flexibility in regard to that absolute prohibition. There are certain occasions when it should be possible to make H and C applications. I'm going to refer to two situations. Mr. Waldman may refer to others.
First, in my view, it would be possible that when a refugee claimant made their claim and then withdrew that claim prior to their hearing--so we're talking about the front end of the system--they should be able to withdraw that claim and make an application for humanitarian and compassionate residence in this country. It is easier; it is cheaper; it is faster to make an H and C decision than it is for someone to go through the entire asylum process. There's no reason why it shouldn't happen. Some claimants, once they arrive in the country, discover that in actuality the more appropriate route for them is through an H and C application.
Linked to that, there is a very strange provision in the bill that says if you make an H and C application, you can't refer to any forms of harm, what they call the factors, that refer to sections 96 or 97. What that is saying is that if you're afraid of certain kinds of things that affect your life or very serious forms of physical harm, what we would consider persecution, you can't mention any of that stuff if you make an H and C application. Quite frankly, it is ludicrous. But more than that, it does not capture the situation of refugee law in Canada right now. Frequently there's a major overlap between the kinds of discriminatory harm that would be within the H and C application and the stricter definition of persecution. There's a major overlap. They're not different. It would be grossly unfair to suggest to someone that they could make an H and C application, but they shouldn't mention any of the really bad things that happened to them. It really doesn't make sense.
That's all I'm going to say now. There are other issues in the bill, and if you want to ask me about them, I'd be delighted to respond. I know our time is short, so I'll leave it at that.
Thank you.