Really, it's just because it's not a black and white issue if you're a refugee. The suggestion is that if you lose your refugee claim, then you're somehow a cheater, or you're lying, or you're bogus. That is not the case. In fact, a lot of people who lose refugee claims have very strong grounds. They have suffered a great deal and have a very strong humanitarian case. Maybe another board member would have found that with what you've suffered you should be accepted as a refugee, but this one board member said no, you don't meet that standard, that well-founded fear, but you do meet the standard we've had for a long time for humanitarian cases, which is that you would suffer disproportionate hardship, or maybe your child would suffer disproportionate hardship, if you were removed to the country where you came from.
By taking away the humanitarian application on grounds of hardship and disproportionate risk, and saying that if you make that refugee claim, you can't even file a humanitarian application for a year after if your case is refused, the minister is punishing people for making a refugee claim. He is saying, okay, you lost, you're not even going to be able to make a humanitarian case.
We've seen many cases that really do fall into the humanitarian category, even if they've been refused.