Given the limited time available, I've decided to focus my comments today on the very specific issue of that initial eight-day interview, in part because I believe it won't be addressed all that much by some of the other advocates or in the discussion of some of the other issues, including H and C applications and the safe country of origin list that are also of grave concern to us. But hopefully we can get into those issues during our discussion.
As you know, the government is proposing to replace the current written statement, the personal information form, or PIF—which is drafted with the assistance, normally, of counsel over the course of 28 days—with an interview before an IRB official eight days after referral by the Canada Border Services Agency, or CBSA.
Counsel, as I understand it, will be excluded. Whether or not they are actively excluded by law or regulation, practically speaking, they will be excluded, because as others have mentioned, finding a lawyer, developing a relationship with a lawyer, getting legal aid, and then appearing before the IRB within eight days is just not going to happen—and I speak from experience on that.
In our submission, the eight-day interview is neither workable—and I'll explain why—nor fair; nor, would I say, is it consistent with the charter.
Currently, refugee claimants set out in the PIF the basis of their refugee claim, as well as details of their background, their family, where they've worked, and where they've lived over the past ten years. In our experience, the process of developing the narrative portion of their refugee claim, that is, the PIF, is a very difficult and painstaking task. It's really getting someone to open up about what are sometimes the most difficult experiences they've ever had in their lives.
Usually, in order to develop a decent PIF, you need to develop a careful relationship of trust with your client. In my experience, we sit down two or three times, and maybe four times, with the client over the course of the 28 days to develop the relationship, to explain to them that what they tell us stays in the room and that what they tell the board will not go back to their country of origin, and to help them trust us enough to tell us about some of the very taboo experiences they've sometimes suffered.
Under the bill, this process of developing this relationship and setting out these details will be done by an officer eight days after the refugee's arrival. In our submission, given the kinds of information that need to be presented at that time, it's simply not practical. You cannot reasonably expect a refugee who's just arrived, having faced some of the most traumatic experiences we can imagine, to appear before an officer of another government in another language in a foreign country and talk, in any kind of detail, about what they've just gone through. I say this both because of the issue of the difficulty of talking about those issues, and also because of the misconception of many people that when you tell a government, any government, about what happened to you back home, it could well get back to your own government or to the people back home.
In our submission, at least two possible things could happen if we do go ahead and implement this eight-day interview in place of the PIF. One is that where we have a responsible IRB official taking the story down, they'll realize that they can't get the whole story down in one meeting, so there will be an adjournment and then another adjournment as they gradually try to build up the trust that counsel normally needs to do.
In my submission, what we'll see very quickly is a backlog of claims at this very first stage. So instead of what is a reasonably efficient 28-day process, we're going to have backlogs accumulating before that initial officer—which will ultimately delay the process rather than speeding it up, as is the intention of the minister.
The alternative, of course, is that we have officers at the IRB who don't have that same degree of training or commitment to spend the time to get the story, and what we'll get is a cursory interview or an aggressive interview where only some of the information about the refugee claim is actually presented. That, then, will be presented at the refugee hearing. If by that time the person has retained counsel and developed a relationship of trust and told their story, they will finally go to the hearing and tell the whole story. The contradictions between the sparse information given at that first interview and the detailed information given finally at the hearing, with counsel, will be used against them. They'll be found to be elaborating and lying about their stories and they will be refused on that basis.
Neither of those options, either the backlog or a set-up for failure, is an acceptable way to run refugee claims, in our submission.
So from our perspective, this initial interview should be struck. It's inappropriate. There may be other ways, if the board wants to conduct an interview with the claimant, to get some basic information--that's fine, but not the merits of the claim.
Very briefly, I'll just touch on the three other issues, if I may. I have two sentences on each.
One issue is with respect to the safe country of origin list. I would just ask the committee not to be lulled by the idea of objective criteria in the act. It's the position of our association that simply implementing some criteria about what “safe” means is not actually going to protect this law from the equality and charter challenges that we will bring, nor will it fundamentally allow the minister to be constrained by clear criteria.
The second issue is the H and C restriction. Others have talked about it. I hope we'll get some questions on it. Again, eliminating what has been a fundamental aspect of Canadian immigration law for decades is inappropriate.
And finally, with respect to the PRRA restriction, getting rid of access to a pre-removal risk assessment for a year following a final refusal at the board is not consistent with the charter and is not consistent with international law. If it gets passed, it won't last for long.
Thank you.