Thank you. I'm the treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada, which is the elected head of the society.
I'd like to begin by saying that we very much welcome the minister's actions in introducing Bill C-35. We're supportive of its aim, which is to protect the public. In particular, we're supportive of the expansion of the range of prohibited activities.
However, we are here to ask you to consider an amendment to the bill to exempt from the membership to CSIC the paralegals in Ontario who are regulated by the Law Society of Upper Canada.
Currently, proposed subsection 91(2) of Bill C-35 exempts from CSIC the members of the provincial bars. Lawyers are exempted, as I understand it, because they are already regulated by law societies.
In Ontario, the Law Society of Upper Canada does not only regulate lawyers; since 2008, it has also had a fully operational regulatory structure for paralegals that mirrors the structure of regulation for lawyers. Currently we regulate 42,000 lawyers and 3,000 independent paralegals.
I should pause here to point out that the law societies are not like the bar associations. The operations of the associations, like the CBA, are quite different. Their membership is voluntary. Bar associations lobby in their members' interests. By contrast, the law society is a statutory body that's obliged to regulate in the public interest. To provide legal services as a paralegal in Ontario, you must be licensed as a paralegal.
Under the amendments to the Law Society Act, paralegals are permitted to provide legal services in a narrow scope of practice, which includes things such as small claims court and federal and provincial tribunals. Included in the legal services that paralegals who are licensed in Ontario can provide are immigration matters.
The difficulty the paralegals in Ontario face is that the Law Society Act requires that for them to provide legal services, they must be a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada. In addition to that, IRPA requires that they be a member of CSIC. In our view, the regulation of paralegals in Ontario by two regulatory bodies is unnecessary.
I'm going to mention a little bit about how we regulate paralegals in Ontario. When the regime was implemented in 2008, applicants who met certain criteria were grandparented, and they weren't required to have a certain college education. That phase has now passed.
Now paralegals providing legal services in Ontario can only be licensed if they have completed an accredited community college program. The law society accredits the programs. We've done extensive research into the competencies required, which we can discuss if questions are asked.
In addition to that, paralegals must satisfy other criteria. As with the lawyers we license, they must all be of good character. They must pass a licensing examination that tests different competencies than the competencies required under the accredited college programs. They are required, under those licensing exams, to focus on the issues of professional responsibility, ethics, and so on.
In addition, paralegals, once licensed, must abide by the paralegal rules of conduct, which are very similar to the lawyers' rules of professional conduct. If they handle and hold client funds, they must maintain a trust account. As with our lawyers, they are subject to spot audits of their books and records. Also, they must cooperate with reviews of their practices.
Beginning in January 2011, they will also be required to take 12 hours per year of continuing professional development education. They will be suspended from providing legal services--suspended from their practice, if you will--if they don't complete that education over the course of that year. They would be reinstated once they have completed it. To maintain a licence, they need to have insurance of $1 million--$2 million in the aggregate.
The law society also operates a compensation fund. If a client has been subject to dishonest action on the part of the paralegal, there is compensation provided by the law society; for example, in the instance of fraud.
The law society of course has an established discipline process. We discipline paralegals as well as lawyers in the event that there are issues with their conduct, competence, or capacity, and we also prosecute unauthorized practice.
In addition to that, with respect to the paralegal regime, we're required to report to the government. We reported in 2009 and have copies of the interim report about the paralegal licensing regime here with us today. We're also required to report again to the government in 2012.
In conclusion, the law society has been regulating the legal profession since 1797. We're Canada's oldest regulatory body. Our regime mirrors the lawyers' regime and, for these reasons, we're asking that Bill C-35 be amended to exempt the paralegals licensed by the Law Society of Upper Canada from the provisions of proposed subsection 91(1) in the same manner as our lawyer licensees are exempted.
We're happy to answer any questions.
Mr. Heins, our CEO, has been with the law society for much longer than I've been an elected treasurer, so Mr. Heins will doubtless be answering any questions you might have of the law society.