Well, what we know from the call for proposal process is that there was over $700 million requested...for our eventual pot of money of $346.5 million. Even for those organizations that put in strong proposals and had robust governance and management and so on and which we were confident could deliver the settlement services needed, the total of what they would have wanted to have was over $600 million.
It's clear, in that kind of situation, that you have to make tough choices about how you're going to be delivering the services in the most cost-effective fashion. So if it turns out, in one geographic area, that we have three or four same-service provider organizations providing similar services, with four different sets of administration costs and overhead and so on, if you can, in that set of circumstances...and if there is a lack of, say, smaller class sizes, while in another area we have waiting lists for language classes, you want to balance that out and smooth the way. So our first principle, of meeting the needs of immigrants, making these tough choices, can actually be met.