Thank you. And thank you again for accommodating me up here in the north when I wasn't able to appear before you.
We are the only settlement agency, actually a one-stop shop, for everyone who settles in northwestern Ontario. That's Sault Ste. Marie to the Manitoba border, approximately 1,500 kilometres and about 500,000 kilometres square. So anyone who is landing in that area is, really, our client.
We have had to take the approach of a one-stop shop, which works very well, in order to give and offer service to new Canadians in the northwest Ontario region. No one agency could take on one program at a time; the administration burden of that would just be too huge.
So we have four CIC programs running in our office for people spread across all of northwestern Ontario. We have a LINC language school. We have an assessment centre. We have settlement services, as well as what was formerly called the host program, which now has been changed to community connections.
Those programs working together really serve the newcomers who arrive in Thunder Bay and in the region through the access to each of them in one stop, which I think is probably one of the best approaches to newcomer settlement.
Our school serves about 70 students each term. We also hold a summer school class for those who can't be there during the regular year, and an evening class for those who are working during the day.
The northern region is also served through access via teleconference or video conference, like this, to place students into what is called the LINC home study, where folks can study online or by correspondence through a connection with us here in Thunder Bay. So we're the hub of the north.
We also provide interpretation and translation services through a provincial program as well as several other newcomer services—anti-racism, anti-oppression work, different things that we do through our association. We work very closely with our community and with all of the northern communities on settling new Canadians into our region.
We've had somewhat of a boom with mining in the north and we've had the promise of the “Ring of Fire” and of things that are going to be moving forward in northwestern Ontario. So we anticipate an increase in newcomers arriving in Thunder Bay.
We find that those who come, stay. We have an influx of folks from other communities who do come to Thunder Bay. Secondary migration to our region is fairly high, and we have not a lot of movement.
We also have a community of 300 Karen-speaking Burmese refugees in Thunder Bay, with seven more arriving tomorrow. So we have a mix of independents, professionals, and refugees arriving, most of whom apply for citizenship within the three-year period. Once their three years in Canada comes, they are, most often, applying for citizenship, which is really interesting.
There are no ethnic enclaves that newcomers can move into, so learning the language is key. Becoming a part of the community is critical. And that's what our services aim to help them do: learn the language, adjust, integrate, and settle successfully in all of our northern communities. We have a satellite office in Kenora that provides service to Dryden and Kenora, as well.
So why Thunder Bay? I think it's the smaller city, the safety, the available services—we have no wait lists in any of our programs—and available housing at good cost. We have people arriving in Thunder Bay on a weekly basis—newcomers.
There's so much more to settling newcomers than just finding a job. The family settlement and integration is what is key, and a holistic integration of newcomer families into our region. Our whole community is involved in this.
We were not seriously affected when the large influx of money came into the province with the COIA agreement. We really were given what we considered the funds needed for operating costs, true costs, at that time. So it wasn't a huge influx that's now gone, although now, with the cuts, our region has seriously been cut for service delivery and positions that will be lost.
Serving a huge region and a huge territory involves a lot of administrative costs. Being able to balance all that while providing front-line services as our main priority is really going to be difficult for us. We've had a fairly sizable percentage cut to our budget, and the northern region budget was cut quite severely.
We've been part of a small centre strategy, and I think that's critical. Small centres across Canada are a group that got together to try to look at how to create welcoming communities in small centres and how to increase and encourage immigration to the small centres. Communities in Newfoundland, and Moose Jaw, Thunder Bay, and Victoria got together and talked about settling newcomers in our regions and the support needed to do that and move out of the larger centres. I'd be happy to discuss that more later.
We felt we were partners in providing service with Citizenship and Immigration Canada. We're the on-the-ground front-line service that provides what newcomers need to the point of becoming citizens. We feel like that partnership is not there any longer. It's a funding relationship now. It's a little different. We used to be able to provide the service and do that in a good clear partnership.
I think our region faces larger challenges. Occupancy costs are difficult, just from the point of heating and keeping one office open. To be able to do that, we have to have all the programs running in one place and combine all the occupancy and accommodation costs. It makes it difficult when you have to cut. Where do you cut? How do you do that without cutting staff? How do you provide the best front-line service? How do you still stay afloat? It's been difficult.
We would love to see something in RAP for the north for smaller communities, where we could support government-assisted refugees and joint assistance sponsorship refugees to come to our region where they can settle quite quickly and the community is very accepting and the service is available here. I think looking at how the refugee assistance programs could be expanded to some smaller centres would be beneficial and would provide some of the support we need.