Just allow me to finish. Hang on a second.
I've seen cases where there are children involved. The couple has kids and yet is still turned down. Okay, you can say that it must be a marriage of convenience, but here's a kid, a child, who has been born of a marriage. You can say it might be a marriage of convenience and it gets turned down by the CIC, and then the couple appeal. The appeal procedure takes two years also. So they've already waited for a year and a half, they get turned down, and then the appeal takes another two years. Then the whole thing starts again.
Why wouldn't you take the appeal division's decision and say we don't need a second interview—because by that time it would be the third interview—and then just process it? If the appeal division says it's fine, that it's genuine, then you just issue the visa.
Instead, what's happening now is that they wait for a while, they get the appeal, and then wait for another six months or so before they can actually come. I've seen couples that end up being separated for four or five years. Imagine the hardship for that child, who is either staying with the dad or the mom and thus missing a mom or a dad for four or five of his or her formative years. That is absolutely insane, to my mind.