Thank you very much.
My name is Janet Cleveland. I'm a psychologist, former lawyer, and now a researcher on refugee mental health. For the last three years I've worked essentially full-time on the impact of detention on refugee mental health, and I've many times visited the immigration holding centres in both Toronto and Montreal, so I can give you lots of details about what it's really like there, if you wish, later on.
My colleague Cécile Rousseau is a professor of psychiatry at McGill University and is a world-renowned scholar in the field of refugee mental health, with over 160 scholarly publications.
I'll say a few words about the study we recently finished. As I mentioned, it was conducted at the immigration holding centres in Toronto and Laval, close to Montreal. We interviewed 122 asylum seekers who were detained in those two institutions, and we also had a comparison group of non-detained asylum seekers with the purpose, of course, of seeing the impact of detention. You have two essentially identical groups except one is detained and the other is not. They did mental health questionnaires and interviews.
The immigration holding centre, as I mentioned earlier, is a prison, of course. That is to say, people are handcuffed when they travel between the prison and the downtown area for their hearings. There are uniformed guards everywhere, surveillance cameras, extreme limitation of movement, no liberty essentially, extremely rigid rules, and so on. People can be punished by being put in solitary confinement if they don't respect basic minimum rules like getting up in the morning on time. It's a prison environment, and therefore there is a serious impact in terms of mental health.
The first thing one has to look at is that it's a population that is already, generally speaking, very severely traumatized. It has had high exposure to trauma. To give you an idea, within the two groups, people had experienced, on average, nine major traumatic events during their lifetime. This is off the charts. This is extremely high. One or two major events is considered quite high, quite serious.
We're also talking about a very serious type of trauma. I also want to point out that it's essentially identical in the two groups. You have two groups with the same trauma exposure before arriving: typically physical assault, family members who have been assaulted or killed, etc. There are those types of major trauma. They get to Canada and one group is detained and the other is not.
If you look at the difference in terms of their mental health—these are symptoms that are above the clinical level, so we're talking about sufficiently serious to be considered clinically suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety—after only 31 days on average in detention, the difference is absolutely huge. There was almost twice the level of post-traumatic stress disorder in the group that was detained, 32% in total. Depression was also over 50% higher in the detained than the non-detained group. As I say, this is after an average of 31 days in detention, a relatively short time, certainly considerably shorter than what is envisaged under Bill C-31.
Quickly, just to give you a sense of the people we're meeting with, on the screen is a quote from a young Somali man whose father was killed in front of him by warlords. He was defending his son from being recruited forcefully by the warlords. Luckily, his uncle was able to get him a false passport and a false visa to get to Canada. He was in prison for a couple of months at the immigration holding centre. He was very severely traumatized, as you can see from this quote, and was also in deep mourning, and yet he was held for two months, which of course considerably increased the level of post-traumatic stress disorder he was already suffering from.
There was a woman in a somewhat separate part of the study, for which I met 21 asylum seekers who had arrived on the Sun Sea. Of course this is exactly the type of group targeted by Bill C-31. This is a very typical example of what people have been through. Many members of her family had been killed in front of her by a shell falling on them, and she herself of course was also impacted and had very serious PTSD.
Finally, I'll just point out that if we look at the Sun Sea asylum seekers, for example, they were detained for long periods, and yet—at least under existing legislation—had access to detention review. People were freed within the first couple of months who would not be freed under Bill C-31--for example, a couple with a child who was very severely handicapped with cerebral palsy. There are other examples I have given here.
I'll turn this over to my colleague.