Mr. Chair, members of the committee, good morning.
I am Colonel François Bariteau, the Director of Personnel Generation Requirements for the Chief of Military Personnel. In my role I am responsible for determining what our annual intake of personnel should be, both in terms of overall numbers, and in terms of specific sub-categories.
I'm accompanied by my colleague, Colonel Michael Gibson, who is the deputy judge advocate general for military justice. He is responsible for advising the Judge Advocate General on matters related to military justice. This includes reviewing proposed amendments to the National Defence Act or amendments to other laws that could impact the military justice system, as well as developing legal policy related to military justice.
As we are appearing as technical experts in the fields of military law and military personnel policy, our comments are limited to our respective fields of expertise in regard to this private member's bill. We have carefully reviewed the bill from our respective points of view.
I would like to point out that at present, the Canadian armed forces already have the ability to recruit permanent residents when there is a shortage of Canadian armed forces members in specific occupations and the applicant has a recorded skill set that satisfies a special need. This bill would reduce the citizenship requirement by one year for these members of the Canadian armed forces.
Moving to the clause related to the deemed renunciation of citizenship, Colonel Gibson would point out that the use of the term “war” has a very limited meaning in international law. Therefore, an “act of war” is generally interpreted to mean only those actions that take place when a formal state of war exists between two countries.
Mr. Chair, we thank you for this opportunity to discuss this private member's bill with the committee.
We now welcome your questions.