Thank you very much.
I want to thank all representatives for coming here today, for presenting to us and giving us your perspectives, or the perspectives that your organizations hold, on the issue that we are here to discuss.
First, let me make it very, very clear that we fully support our military, our armed forces, reflecting the diversity of our population.
I've been a teacher most of my life. I have fought for that diversity in all institutions, including the teaching profession. I think we're better served when all our institutions represent the diversity so that all our kids—whether their roots are in Pakistan, whether their roots are in India or China, or wherever they are—see themselves reflected when they see the people who are either teaching them or working in the systems that we have.
So we are fully supportive of measures that would facilitate that kind of a diversity.
Second, let me also make it very clear that we think having Canadian citizenship is a privilege, especially for those of us who were not born in Canada.
I'm one of those. I am an immigrant to Canada. I actually made my husband promise that we were only coming for a year. That led to two years. And that led to me being here since 1975. So it's been a very, very long time.
I consciously chose Canada to be my home, as a place where I wanted to raise my children. I did that because I looked at the kind of standing Canada used to have internationally—I say “used” to have internationally—and saw the kind of cultural milieu that was here, and the beautiful geography, and thought, “What a wonderful place to raise my children.” Both of my children were born here.
Now that we've got this aside, I'll turn to the concerns and questions we have with this bill. I don't want them to be taken as partisan shots. These are legitimate concerns, where we play our role as the opposition and also as parliamentarians to look at legislation to make sure it serves the intent, and to make sure it does not go in such a sweeping way that it takes away rights, as well, from certain individuals who should not have their rights taken away.
It's with that perspective that I come at this bill, as do my colleagues.
With that in mind, my first question is to you, Professor Scoppio. I read your paper on diversity best practices in military organizations with great interest. As I said, that's something that's dear to my heart.
By the way, I would have been in the armed forces if I had been half an inch taller.