Thank you.
Something happened at the committee—and it was a majority vote—to move a motion that we seek an expansion of scope for the bill. That does not mean that the committee could not have carried on dealing with Mr. Shory's bill. In respect of the private member's bill, that could have gone through all the cycles. If there were no amendments, there would have been no need for clause-by-clause. We could have just carried on, and all this would have been over a long time ago.
But the fact is, we are here, and the government, through this committee, is trying to commandeer—get—an extension to the House so they can change the scope of the bill. That's the reason we are here.
If the government is trying to change the scope, it means that the amendments they brought forward informally, and then somebody from the front desk looked at them, that being where it may.... So what we're here today—