Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Julius Ceasar said: “Veni, vidi, vici”, which means “I came, I saw, I conquered”. Unfortunately, parliamentary procedure cannot be compared to statements made by Julius Ceasar, even if he was a very colourful figure.
In your response to my motion for evocation, you indicated that the justifications were to be found in the second paragraph, third line, which says “to expand the scope of the bill”. That is clearly stated, and I am going to accept your submission. I find it a bit weak, but I accept the general principle that with the statement “to expand the scope of the bill”, the requirements of Standing Order 97.1(1) stating that reasons must be provided have been met.
The words “to expand the scope of the bill” are indeed to be found in the text of the motion submitted by Mr. Dykstra. Since you have stated that these words are in the motion, we have the right to discuss expanding the scope of the bill. And so we have the right to talk about the points that amend the original bill.
This motion does refer to the 30 additional sitting days. You have just indicated that we are not to debate the 30 additional days, but with all due respect, Mr. Chair, we are not only talking about the 30 additional days. We are discussing the original motion submitted by Mr. Rick Dykstra, member of the Conservative government and vice-chair of this committee. So with all due respect to your original position, we are not only talking about the 30 additional days, but about the motion, in its entirety.