Thank you very much.
It is my pleasure to speak on this amendment...not on the amendment. Sorry, Chair, we've been here so long it's sometimes difficult to remember. But we're here dealing with the main motion, which asks for an extension of 30 sitting days in order to give the government time to get a concurrence motion in the House, which would give them an expanded scope.
I am opposed to the extension for a number of reasons, the very first being that there is a reason why there are a number of days allocated for private members' business, which, simply to remind us all, is 60 days. The committee will have had 60 days on June 21. Therefore, the request for an extension at this time would give extraordinary treatment to one private member's bill and would not be fair to all the other private members. As I have said previously, this is not a comment on the actual bill, because there are elements in this bill.... I will not get into too much detail here, but to get to the point as to why the 30 days.... There are elements of this bill we do support.
We're actually looking forward to an opportunity to vote on this bill in the House, because this committee, due to a decision made by a government majority, has not done clause-by-clause. Therefore, the bill will actually be up for a vote unless this extension is given, as is, without any amendments. We are quite prepared to go into the House.
This extension would actually give extraordinary privilege to one particular private member's bill. I believe we, as the opposition—and I can't speak for the other opposition party or for the independent—are certainly ready and willing to go to the House, because the bill has been reported there, debate the bill, and go through the three-hour.... Is it a two-hour debate or three-hour debate in the House?