What I do want to address, and I think this is a new point, are some of the arguments I heard from my colleagues across the way. A point was raised by Mr. Menegakis specifically, that Mr. Shory's bill had taken an incredible amount of work—in his riding and in consulting his colleagues, and also in the commitments he made at the committee stage in coming to hear all the witnesses.
Mr. Chair, I would argue that these are new points, because I need to have an opportunity as part of the debate, to respond to what you hear from the other side. It's in response to that issue that was raised that I want to argue.... First, I actually agree with Mr. Menegakis that private members' business is really important in the House and has to be protected. Private members, both government backbenchers and the opposition, wait because we know that this doesn't apply to parliamentary secretaries or to the cabinet, the executive branch.
So private members wait a long time. Some of us are 280th in line, or something like that. I think I'm one of those. I know that for my private member's bill, it's going to be a very long time before my turn comes. And I will be waiting very patiently for that because being a team player, I know what happens when you have so many members—