Good afternoon. My name is Katie Rosenberger and I'm presenting with my colleague Swarandeep Virk. I'm the manager of counselling services at DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society and I'm an active member of the Network to Eliminate Violence in Relationships.
Swarandeep is a counsellor for programs that address violence against women as well as children who witness the abuse.
We work primarily with immigrant families. I oversee all programs related to violence in relationships, which are facilitated by counsellors in our clients' first language.
The perspective that we will share today is through our work with clients from many countries, including India, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Colombia, Mexico, Korea, Vietnam, China, and Afghanistan. Our information is based primarily on client testimony of their experience, as well as our work with offenders in our court-mandated offender program.
I will speak to the issues as we see them. The issue of forced marriage still plays a dominant role in violent relationships. In many cases women report they are not aware of who they are marrying and many details remain unknown about their future spouses until after the marriage. In some cases women do not know that their spouses have issues, such as mental health concerns, alcoholism, anger issues, and financial debts. The women report that in some cases once the marriage has happened, their in-laws and spouse will keep secrets and ensure the woman's isolation to prevent her from leaving and accessing support.
Isolation can lead to the most severe cases of violence as the women have no support, no way of leaving the house, and have little to no understanding of the laws and supports available to them. Leaving the house or making a phone call can cause severe beatings. The very presence of the woman in the home is often unknown to neighbours.
This type of isolation is often done with the consent and participation of the spouse and his family, including the mother and sisters-in-law. Isolation may include being accompanied to all appointments, such as the doctor, grocery store, and even educational programming. These women will not be allowed to work nor will they have access to a phone. If they are working, it's often in the family business or within constant view of another family member.
There are also issues around adoption and forced marriage. Some women report that they were adopted from India or other countries at a young age, only to come to Canada to provide domestic services to the adopted family. Sometimes they are used for the purposes of marriage to enhance the family's status by marrying the young woman to someone wishing to be sponsored for monetary gain.
The marriage may end quickly and they are expected to remarry another man in order to sponsor him. The adopted child is required to marry as dictated by the adopting family. If these women disagree, their families in India are often threatened; the woman is humiliated and disowned by her village and extended family, so the option of returning is no longer there.
In most cases, women have little or no access to finances or banking. The women report that in some cases they are financially abused through debts and lines of credit taken out in their names and used for the abuser's benefit. In other cases, the spouse will put everything under his parent's name and show no income or property.
The women feel trapped as they have no means to support their children or themselves if they were to leave. Some women report that their abusers will have extramarital affairs on a continual basis. In some cases the women report that their abusers will have a common-law partner living in the home at the same time.
Some women report that their partners have additional relationships in their home country. The women report that their partner will maintain both marriages and abuse will occur when this notion is challenged and if the woman tries to leave.
Women report that once arriving in Canada, despite being educated in their country of origin, their spouses do not encourage them to pursue their education or career. These women report that they are encouraged to seek labour-related jobs or often are not even allowed to work. Many women become pregnant shortly after marriage or are forced to become pregnant in order to ensure a quick immigration process. Women who become pregnant feel trapped as they worry about their child's future and their own inability to care for the needs of their child.
Some women report that they are forced to work in menial conditions and then hand over their paycheques to the spouses. Some workers reported that they were at risk in the workplace for sexual harassment and abuse from their employers.
Women report being sexually assaulted by their employer, and due to financial constraint, shame, and lack of support from their spouse, they do not report the assault. Live-in caregivers have been reporting that they are being abused and sexually assaulted by their employers, but will not report the abuse or leave the home because they don't want to lose their job.
I will now turn to our recommendations.
Our experience with our clients is that they are not given the information they need when they arrive in Canada.To validate this feedback, we did a brief survey of our staff, who are mostly educated immigrant women, and learned that only 30% were given sufficient information regarding domestic violence when they arrived in Canada. Many clients are not aware of their rights and they do not have faith that their complaints will be taken seriously because of past experiences with police and law enforcement in their own countries. Although there are services, women with children or women in isolation are riddled with fear based on their past experiences and then the lies that are told to them by their spouses and the extended family. Finances and loss of parental rights are two of the most common concerns reported.
The other issue is that when violence is not extreme, and even sometimes when it is, some families do not want to be forcibly separated. Women will stay in an abusive marriage because they want the marriage to work. They want their spouse to stop the violence, but not to leave altogether. This is where there is some serious work that needs to be done, as supports that do currently exist are mostly there once an altercation has occurred.
Women will come to see us, Swarandeep and others, for counselling on stopping the violence, their children will come for children who witness abuse counselling, or the men will come for court-ordered relationship violence prevention and counselling, which are all services that take place after the fact.
We do have a family counselling program for couples who wish to address the issues before they result in violence, but the funds are so limited and the wait-list is so long that many do not even make it for a session before the tensions take over, and then there's violence in the family. Wait-lists for services are causing a lack of trust among the community, as they've been told that there are options, that there are things they can do in order to seek help, but then they have to sit on a wait-list and indefinitely wait for it.
Our view is that prevention is the key to successfully reducing violence in all relationships. The difference is that our immigrant families sometimes do not share the Canadian value or cultural systems and don't know what constitutes violence or abuse in Canada. To many of our client offenders, their behaviour would not have been questioned in their home country, and they claim that had they known they were breaking Canadian law, they would not have abused their wives. That's the claim.
Many women feel that the abuse they face is normal and it is not something to share outside the home. We are nervous of challenging the cultures of newcomers to Canada to protect our own values of multiculturalism, but in that process we're not challenging the elements of newcomers' cultural values that must be challenged in order to protect women and children.
We believe there should be a mandatory service, such as workshops, training sessions, and counselling sessions, where all immigrants are expected to attend a compulsory orientation regarding the laws, the services, and their rights in Canada. This service could also involve screening or supportive services to identify abused women prior to entry into Canada or once they arrive here.